NVSL Division Champions
By Reach for the Wall Staff.
At the NVSL division championship meets on Saturday, July 29, the competition was fierce and many top times were registered across the league. This occurred despite the rainy conditions and even though NVSL division championship meets are not officially scored and do not factor into who wins the division title. (In contrast, the results of MCSL division championship meets factor into who wins the division crown).
As an NVSL official explained, each division champion in NVSL is determined by the season dual meet won-loss record. Officially, the division champion is the team “that wins the most [Saturday] meets within its division. A tie is counted as a one-half win. If there is a tie for the number of wins, we award multiple trophies.”
Here’s the rundown of the NVSL division winners:
Division 1. Chesterbrook defeated Overlee in their dual meet on 7/22 by 44 points, locking up the championship by going 5-0! This was an exciting season between the top two clubs with Overlee outscoring Chesterbrook in both the Division and All Star relay meets. See here for some history on this rivalry.
Division 2 was perhaps the most evenly matched grouping in the NVSL with Fairfax and Little Rocky Run tying in week 3, and Fairfax also tying the Hamlet Green Feet in week 4! Also notable is the variance in total scores for the 5 dual meets was 66 points between the champion, Little Rocky Run (4-0-1), and 3rd place Hamlet.
Division 3. Langley outswam the rest of the division and prevailed with a 5-0 record. Their strength was their depth in the 14 and below age groups, as Langley has swimmers in the NVSL top 26 All Star rankings in 19 different events! Leading the way are the 8 & Under crew – David Bulford (5th 25 free, 4th 25 back), Joaquin Meza (21st 25 free, 7th 25 breast), and Luca Sanchez (1st 25 back, 2nd 25 breast). These swimmers also had top 10 times in other events, but for the All Star rankings, they chose to swim the two events in parentheses above.

Division 4. Donaldson Run was able to execute a perfect dual meet record, followed closely by Lee-Graham and Virginia Run. Donaldson Run was Powered by Charlie Greenwood, with NVSL top times in 9-10 50 breast, and 100 IM, and he will have one more shot at taking down those league records at All Stars. Virginia Run’s Charis Roundtree set a new NVSL record in the 8 & under girls 25 free with a 15.25 (an area top time) and is seeded first in the 25 fly for All Stars!
In Division 5, High Point and Oakton battled in Week 1 of the season, resulting in Oakton’s only dual meet loss (they finished 4-1). High Point never looked back and stormed through the rest of the division with a 5-0 record. While Fair Oaks was able to muster one team victory this season, Anthony Grimm was one of the few swimmers in NVSL to break an individual record. He set new standards in every 13-14 event except the 50 free. He will swim the 100 IM and 50 back at All Stars, where he will try go lower! Also notable is his time of 59.15 in the 100 IM, which is the best across all the leagues that we follow (MCSL, PWSL, and Prince-Mont), topping the 59.88 swum by Brett Feyerick.
Division 6. Hiddenbrook won with a 5-0 record, but saw a few close meets along the way where in 4 of the 5 meets, their margins of victory were 24, 46, 44, and 28. Greenbriar and Lakeview both finished at 3-2, which further shows the parity in the division.
In Division 7, Mantua and Orange Hunt competed on July 15th, with Mantua winning by 16 points. This was the deciding meet as Mantua went on to 5-0 and Orange Hunt 4-1.
Division 8. Villa Aquatics remained undefeated after clashing with second place, Country Club Hills, on July 8th to take the division title.
Division 9 had the first tie at the top of the standing with Fox Mill Woods and Sleepy Hollow Recreation both achieving 4-1 records. The 15-18 boys at Fox Mill Woods (Jayaprakash Kambhampaty, Adi Kambhampaty, Thomas Hallock and Daniel Gyenis) chased after two relay records throughout the season – the Boys 200 Free and 200 Medley. They set both records on July 19 – the 200 Free record at 1:35.80 (that’s an average 50m under 24 seconds!) and the 200 Medley at 1:46.96, which is fastest across all the area leagues.
In Division 10, Mansion House was the top seed at the beginning of the season, with Walden Glen 3rd. In the first two weeks, each team handily defeated their competition. In the third week, they battled each other, and the underdog, Walden Glen, came out ahead by 36 points. That proved to be the deciding meet as Walden Glen went on to defeat the previously unbeaten Great Falls in week 4 and Forest Hollow in week 5 to finish 5-0.
Division 11. Annandale had two close meets on their way to 5-0 and the division championship. In Week 1, they were 10 points better than Laurel Hill and in Week 5, only 14 points clear of Canterbury Woods. Quite a feat for Annandale, which entered the season ranked 6th in the division!
Division 12. The pre-season favorite, Poplar Heights, lived up to their seeding by finishing the season 5-0. This was another division where the competition below 1st was fairly even, with 4 teams achieving at least two wins and one tie!
In Division 13, Old Keene Mill was the pre-season 6th place team but in the first two weeks made quick work of the competition, winning their meet in Week 1 by 124 points and 66 points in Week 2. In Week 3, they battled Springboard to a tie, then finished out the season strong, going 4-0-1. Runner-up, Shouse Village, also had a successful campaign, with their only loss coming to Old Keene Mill.
Division 14. Rolling Hills took the title, going 5-0 in the season. The deciding meet came in week 2, with their 13 point win over Little Hunting Park. Zoe Dunn of Holmes Run Acres was the only other individual record setter in the NVSL, swimming a 32.68 in the 50 yard back! She’ll swim the 50 meter back (and the 25 fly) at All Stars as the 2nd seed behind Charlie Scogna.
In Division 15, Burke Station took the title at 5-0, besting runner-up Woodley in week 2 by only 7 points!
Division 16. The pre-season favorite, Rolling Valley, did not disappoint as they completed an undefeated season and captured the division title.
In Division 17, Broyhill Crest and North Springfield cruised through the competition during the first three weeks, each going 3-0. They collided in Week 4, however, and Broyhill Crest won handily, defeating North Springfield by 64 points.
Looking forward to the All Star meet Saturday, August 5, we see that many of the 15-18 swimmers will be absent due to their competing at National level meets – NCSA Summer Championships, US Open, and USA Swimming Futures
We received a few great photos via Twitter:
Division 5:
A couple of random shots from yesterday’s @swimNVSL division 5 meet @TheCardinalHill @FOsharks @OaktonOtters @rftwdmv pic.twitter.com/sxC0DcDDC5
— PTSportsShooter (@PTSportsShooter) July 30, 2017
NVSL record breaker Anthony Grimm:
The reaction after Anthony Grimm breaks the @swimNVSL record for the 13-14 Boys IM at @TheCardinalHill @rftwdmv @emac268 pic.twitter.com/iDLUdehef7
— PTSportsShooter (@PTSportsShooter) July 29, 2017