And the Band plays on…
By Contributor David Meisel
It’s April 7th, two months from when the first round of Olympic Trial Swimming Athletes will leave the blocks and here we spectators are hoping to learn more about our tickets that we purchased July 1st, 2019 (only 21 or so months ago).
Yesterday, this writer received a note from Ticketmaster that I would be receiving a refund for my past purchases. And that there would be an opportunity to buy new tickets for the “2nd” round of prelims/finals.
That is so very exciting! Another opportunity to “compete” for seats- to buy flights, to reserve housing… I mean, maybe another approach would have been to send a survey? Ask purchasers if they are planning to attend? And if not to provide them with a refund.
Maybe that simple approach would reduce their already sold “seats” to a 50% capacity which is their goal. What I have read says that they are presently at 90% of seats already sold for the trials.
I realize for those who live in Omaha, NE this is not such a big deal- but for those in the DMV, California, Florida, Atlanta, etc. etc. this is a bit of a painful experience.
Don’t get me wrong- I am not even sure I would go- Covid-variances, indoor spectator experience, general societal health concerns, etc. Either way- it is fascinating to see how these decisions are being made, how people who bought/invested in tickets over 21 months ago are not even being asked “would you use your tickets if given the opportunity”?

I think this experience is sadly a precursor to this summers activities- swimming and non swimming related. Note to those reading this, before making big decisions that affect others- try using a “survey” to see what your constituents are thinking- it can greatly help your decision making.
SwimSwam ran a post yesterday detailing the ins & outs of the new process: ALL U.S. OLYMPIC TRIALS TICKETS TO BE REFUNDED AND RESOLD DUE TO SEATING CHANGE
Key dates for the new round of ticket sales:

Additional information sent via email from CHI Health Center Omaha Arena Sales: