Allsopp’s Avengers Mini Meet in Germantown July 17
By Reach for the Wall Staff
Are you looking for an opportunity for your 9 & under swimmer or ‘pre-teamer’ a chance to compete in a fun, age specific meet? Bring your swimmers to the 18th Annual Allsopp’s Avengers Mini Meet at Manchester Farm on July 17, 2022. This event is open to all teams/swimmers around the DMV regardless of their league affiliation. That’s right, MCSL, NVSL, PWSL, Prince-Mont, all are welcome! Concessions, prizes, ribbons and more summer fun in the pool for the younger swimmers.

Kickboard races !


The meet starts at 9am, but don’t miss the pre-meet costume parade that commences after warmups at 8:50! Dress as your favorite Avenger & march into the meet with your Avenger friends…for more details, see the flyer below, or email the meet director:
All entries due by July 13.
Have you posted the results for the Allsopp’s Avengers meet?