PVS Spring Championship Meets start this Week!
By Reach for the Wall Staff
It was a year ago almost to the day when the swimming community was rocked with the announcements from local authorities that all pools and in-person practice activities would be shut down…We published the announcement regarding PVS JO’s on March 10th. This year, we are pleased to report that PVS not only decided to go forward with championship meets starting this Friday, March 12, but also to offer several sites for the meet(s). The decision to host these events resulted from the collaborative Competition Committee meeting held January 13. In an effort to enable the largest number of swimmers to participate in a championship meet, PVS has implemented a “one Champs meet in March” policy. This means every swimmer is only allowed to participate in one short course championship meet in PVS in the month of March. Swimmers entering the meet(s) will be required to certify at registration that this (meet) is the only championship meet they will participate in in March.
Things will kick off with the Wave 1 meet for 14 & over athletes that have met the age and qualifying standards:
The meet will be a timed finals format, held at two sites: Dulles South Recreation Center and Claude Moore. The Sessions will be grouped into PODs. PODs will be the same teams for the girls’ session and the boys’ session.
PVS has set up specific sites containing information for each meet:
Wave 1 Dulles POD 1 Teams: NCAP, SNOW, YORK
Wave 1 Claude Moore Teams: AAC, APAC, DCPR, DRAG, MSSC, PM, RMSC, TANK, SDS
The psych sheets, COVID policies, facility maps and other administrative materials are available on each site. The Live Feed links are not yet available, but we assume will be offered on or prior to meet day.
PVS in conjunction with SportFair has set up an online store to purchase T-Shirts and sweatshirts to commemorate your athlete’s experience:

The next set of meets on the schedule are Wave 2 & Wave 4 to be held March 18-21 at the Freedom Center in Manasas VA. The Wave 2 meet is for 18 & Under and Wave 4 is for 10 & Unders that meet qualifying standards:
Wave 2 swimmers will have the opportunity for trials and finals swims, while wave 4 will be a timed final meet.
The culminating meet in the series is Wave 3, held March 25-28 at Claude Moore which will be for 11-14 yr olds that meet the qualifying standards.
This meet is akin to the JO’s meet that is usually held in March. This will be a trials and finals meet, with the 11-12 swimming finals in the early evening and the 13-14’s later.
We are thankful for PVS to be creative, proactive and determined to devise this schedule and to provide opportunities for the kids to compete. We look forward to watching many sessions online and reporting good news as it comes!
I Couldn’t be more proud to be part of an organization that finds a way. Swimming has always shown want perseverance is for athletes but US Swimming and PVS Swimming has defined what “never give up” really means. Thank you to each and everyone one of you that made. practices happen these last 6 months and giving these kids to show off their hard work and letting them finally be able to showcase their abilities . Thank You