USA Swimming News
By Reach for the Wall staff
Safe Sport Recognition update: The Fairfax Foxes have met the criteria! This was announced in a PVS Flash Mail sent out in March, bringing the total clubs in PVS that are Safe Sport Recognized to 3!

USA Swimming Select Camps
USA Swimming has released the rosters for the the 2019 National Diversity Select Camp, held May 2-5 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO and The Eastern Zone Select Camp will be held May 30-June 2 at the University of Pittsburgh.

Camp Eligibility:
Any USA Swimming registered athlete member who is eligible to represent the USA in international competition: a U.S. citizen who has NOT represented another country in international competition, in the case of dual citizens (your sport nation must be the United States), meets the qualification time standards, has not previously attended a USA Swimming Diversity Select Camp and represents an ethnically underrepresented population that is less than 10% of the current USA Swimming membership. These populations can include: African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, Native American, and others. As an added component, six athletes of each gender will be chosen from Outreach membership applicants. A swimmer cannot attend a Zone Select Camp and the Diversity Select Camp in the same year.
Qualification Standard:
Athletes must have achieved at least one Diversity Select Camp time standard as shown here to apply for selection. These times are AAAA National Motivational Times for 13-14 year olds. Times must have been achieved in a USA Swimming sanctioned or approved meet (able to be proven in the SWIMS database). The swimmers had until February 8th to complete the application.
From the applications, the athlete with the fastest time in each of the 13 Olympic events were automatically be selected. Only LCM times are considered. Additionally, three athletes of each sex will be selected based on IMX scores, three athletes of each sex will be selected based on outstanding performance in one or more events, and five athletes of each sex will be chosen based on Outreach membership status.
The following PVS swimmers met the criteria for the Diversity Camp:
- Katherine Blake, Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
- Aris Runnels, Nation’s Capital Swim Club
- Joyce Wu, Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
- Eric Liao, Nation’s Capital Swim Club
- Robert Quan, Nation’s Capital Swim Club

Qualification criteria for the Zone Camp:
28 male and 28 female athletes are selected in each of the four Zones.
Selected girls must be age 12-13 at the time of performance.
Selected boys must be age 13-14 at the time of performance.
14 athletes of each gender are selected based on 2018 Long Course Meters (LCM) IMX point scores according to the following:
Seven girls age 12 and seven boys age 13
Seven girls age 13 and seven boys age 14
Then, the fastest swimmer in each Zone in each Long Course Meters (LCM) Olympic event (including the 800 and 1500 for both genders) is invited for a total of 14 additional male and 14 additional female athletes. If a swimmer was already selected based on IMX score, the next fastest swimmer is selected in that event.
The following PVS swimmers met the criteria for the zone camp:
- Courtney Watts, The Fish
- Natalie Schlemmer, Snow Swimming
- Jordan Durocher, Nation’s Capital Swim Club
- Aiken Do, The Fish
- Michael Zhang, Dragon Swim Team
- Jason Hernandez-Fuentes, Unattached
- Sean Santos, Rockville Montgomery Swim Club
- Landon Gentry, Nation’s Capital Swim Club
Congratulations to all the swimmers and coaches on earning their spots on the Select Camps!
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