The ‘daily dryland’: Ideas to stay active while at home

By Reach for the Wall Staff

In our prior posts we have focused on abs, core, and strength exercises. Today’s post is centered on cardio work- getting the heart rate up without using any equipment (except for a stopwatch). While we’ve provided suggested repetitions and time intervals, feel free to adjust the time according to your child’s age and abilities. Completing all the exercises should provide an approximately 45 minute workout & an elevated heart rate- Enjoy!

The Warm-Up

Warm up by jogging in place at a comfortable pace for five minutes. Make sure to land on the balls of your feet.

Exercise One (Waist High Knees):

Pick up the pace and jog in place as fast as you can by driving your arms back and forth and lifting your knees to waist level. Make sure to run in place as fast as you can while pumping your arms back and forth, engaging the upper body as well. Alternate between jogging at high intensity for 30 seconds, then slow it down for another 30 seconds, bringing your heart rate up in the process. Repeat this cycle for 5x for 12 & Under athletes, 10x for 13 & older.

Exercise Two (High Knee Sprints):

Like exercise one, stand in place and while jogging, pick up the pace and perform high knee sprints by bringing your knees up high toward your chest as fast as you can while engaging the glutes and keeping your torso upright. Make sure to focus on high speed and knee lift while swinging your arms back and forth to generate momentum. Again, this should be done in 30 second intervals, with 30 at high intensity, 30 at a jog. Repeat this cycle for 5x for 12 & Under athletes, 10x for 13 & older.

Exercise Three: High Lunges

Stand tall with back straight and core engaged, then step your left foot forward as far as possible so you are in a wide lunge position.

Next, while keeping your torso upright and gazing straight ahead, push through your left heel and drive your right knee forward and up toward your chest, then return it to starting position and repeat as fast as you can.

Do 10 to reps on each side to complete one set. Repeat this cycle for 5x for 12 & Under athletes, 10x for 13 & older. Take 30 seconds rest between sets.

Exercise Four: Burpees

From a standing position, lower down and place your hands on the floor on either side of the feet.

Next, kick your feet back so you are now in a plank position, then immediately bring the feet back to between your hands and explosively jump up into the air, clapping your hands mid-air. Make sure to land softly on the floor, then repeat as fast as possible while keeping good form throughout the exercise.

Do as many as you can for 1 minute, taking 30 seconds rest. Repeat 3x for 12 & Under athletes, 5x for 13 & older.

Exercise Five: Squat Jumps

Stand with feet hip-width apart with arms crossed over your chest.

Next, while keeping your head up and core engaged, squat down until your upper thighs are parallel to the ground, then, while pressing mainly with the balls of your feet, and using the thighs like springs, jump straight up in the air as high as you can. Add a streamline at the top of the jump for a ‘swimming’ variation.

Last up, land softly on the floor, bend your knees and sink back into the squat position and immediately jump again.

Do as many as you can for 30 seconds, taking 30 seconds rest. Repeat 3x for 12 & Under athletes, 5x for 13 & older.

Exercise Six: Butt Kicks

Begin by standing with your legs shoulder width apart, with the arms bent at your sides.

Next, while keeping your back straight and core engaged, run in place by kicking your heels up toward your butt, pumping your arms back and forth with elbows bent at a 90-degree angle as quickly as you can.

Make sure that your thighs do not move much as you lift and kick one heel at a time to your butt. Lift your heels as close as you can to your butt, using a quick leg movement on the balls of your feet. Note: this is much like the breaststroke kick drill you may do in the pool, where you have your arms at your side and you touch your heels to your palms.

Do as many as you can for 45 seconds, taking 15 seconds rest. Repeat 5x for 12 & Under athletes, 10x for 13 & older.

Exercise Seven: Ski Abs

Assume a straight arm plank position, with back flat, head in neutral position and feet together.

Next, while engaging your core, hop both of your feet up to the left side, aiming to bring your knees to the outside of your left elbow, then quickly hop back into starting position, and change sides to complete one rep.

Repeat the exercise for one full minute to complete one set, take 30 seconds rest. Repeat 5x for 12 & Under athletes, 10x for 13 & older.

Warmdown by jogging in place at a comfortable pace for five minutes. Be sure to stretch as well!!

If you would like to share ideas about what you are doing with your team during this time, shoot us an email:, we’d love to hear from you!

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