The ‘daily dryland’: Ideas to stay active while at home-week 3
By Reach for the Wall Staff
Today’s suggested dryland workout comes from USA Swimming & their #workoutWednesday series. These were posted on the USA Swimming Twitter account on March 20 & 25.

Don’t forget to make some time to listen in and participate in today’s free webinars provided by Fitter & Faster as well as CG Sports Management:
Fitter & Faster:
Keeping Engaged with Your Swimmers
April 1: 2:00pm EST
For Coaches
Coaches will greatly benefit from listening and asking questions throughout this Live Broadcast on ideas and strategies to continue communication in an effective manner to swimmers and their families while practicing social distancing.
Led by Olympic gold medalist Tyler Clary, Olympic gold medalist and UNC Head Coach Mark Gangloff, and Victor Swim Club Head Coach Mike Murray
Breaking Down Sprint Butterfly
April 1: 4:30pm EST
For Swimmers and Coaches
These three elite level butterflyers will cover the technique, timing, and rhythm of a fast and efficient butterfly stroke.
Led by Olympic gold medalist Tyler Clary and Butterfly National Champions Tom Luchsinger and Giles Smith
CG Sports Management:
“Confidence Nuggets with Coach Christen” The coveted confidence coach to some of USA’s best swimmers. Every Wednesday, 1:00-2:00pm EST
“Silver Lining Live with Elizabeth Beisel” Our flagship show hosted by USA Olympic Team Captain, Elizabeth Beisel. Every Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm EST.